Contact us

Help and Support

Future Customers

We have made it simple for you to reach us. If you are not an existing customer, please send us an email at -

for any general information, questions, or other requests.

If you have specific questions about our products, want to discuss a complex business need, and see if our products can work for you, please reach out to us at -


Our business team will provide you with all the information and assistance required.

Please see below for information on support requests

Existing Customers

Please reach out to your relationship manager or integration executive for all general queries during and after the integration. For all support questions, and issues relating to transactions, users, etc., please do the following

1. Message us on WhatsApp - 7676401032 or

2. Email us at

Your ticket will be routed to the respective executive within Flit who will assist you. They may reach you by phone or respond via email. Please provide enough information in the ticket and attach any documents required for us to respond faster. 

Important note about SLAs, response times and working hours

Our business hours are Monday to Friday 10 am to 6.30 PM. We respond to tickets and queries within this time based on their priority.

Within 2 working days
Within 1 working day
Within 8 hours
Urgent and Critical
Within 2 hours

Our internal administrators decide the applicable priority for a ticket and the underlying issue. Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to serve. We will do our best to resolve the issues at the earliest opportunity.